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“The month and the year are on the same decal that will be placed on the tag.” He said the state of Alabama started the change and Lauderdale County is one of only four or five that has gone live with the change. “We started Jan. 1 and other counties will be coming online soon. By the end of the year all counties in the state will be involved in this,” Pettus said. He had to purchase new printers for the newly-installed program. “For years, it has always been the month on one side and the year on another, so this is all different,” he said. In an effort to help the public adjust, Pettus said printed instruction sheets come with each tag or decal that is sold. “I’ve already notified all of the law enforcement agencies in the county to let them know about this,” he said. “I sent photos of what the license plates with the new decals on them look like, so they would have it when they make traffic stops." He said the new decal goes on the upper right side of the tag, "the area for the year." “It’s different, so we want people to understand it and be aware," Pettus said.
For the original version including any supplementary images or video, visit http://www.timesdaily.com/news/local/new-license-tag-decals-different/article_14c9e4b9-9a85-5f11-8b5d-aef059f6f779.html
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